Offers from office cleaning
And more offers
Coupons and discounts of office cleaning to redeem with providers

$75 credit with New Patient Exam, Xrays and Cleaning
Come in for a new patient exam, necessary xrays and cleaning and receive $75 off the exam or a credit towards future dental needs as desired.
Dentistry - Endodontics/Root Canals

45% OFF Routine Pet Dental Cleaning Package
University pet clinic offers 45% off routine pet dental cleanings every tuesday, wednesday & thursday. please see our website or call our office for more details, pricing and to schedule an...

Get 20% Off Now
Contact us and get 20% off any service 1-888-556-6278
New York
Blind Cleaning

Get a FREE Teeth Whitening** & $100 Gift Certificate!*
Get a free teeth whitening** & $100 gift certificate!* With purchase of new patient exam, necessary x-rays and cleaning. *towards future dental services ** children excluded from teeth...
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